

Colours can be interpolated, eg. getting the colour that is 50% between red and blue.

// repl-pad#1
import { Colour } from ""

// Returns  `rgb(128, 0, 128)`
Colour.interpolate(0.5, `red`, `blue`);

Regular CSS colour definitions can also be used:

// repl-pad#1
// Returns `rgb(0, 85, 128))`
Colour.interpolate(0.5, `hsl(200, 100%, 50%)`, `hsl(90, 100%, 50%`);

By default colours are mixed in the RGB colour space. Options include: rgb, hsb, hcl, lch and lab.

// repl-pad#1
// Mix in HCL colour space. Returns `rgb(0, 170, 255))`
Colour.interpolate(0.5, `hsl(200, 100%, 50%)`, `hsl(90, 100%, 50%`, `hcl`);

// ..or object options can be used. Here we also add the `long` parameter
// to make interpolation go the long way around the circle
Colour.interpolate(0.5, `hsl(200, 100%, 50%)`, `hsl(90, 100%, 50%`, {space: `hcl`, long: true} );

The colour space you choose can have a large impact on what colour is generated. Colour spaces are different with regard to perceptual brightness, uniformity and saturation. See example below for scale.


You can generate a series of colours with a specified number of steps with scale. The start and end colours are included appear as first and last step respectively.

// repl-pad
import { Colour } from ""

// Mixes in HCL space, returns an array of 10 string rgb() values, spaced between red and blue.
Colour.scale(10, `hcl`, `red`, `blue`);

The demo below shows scale in action, as well how different interpolations can be between colour spaces.

By default, a scale will be made in the shortest distance between the colours. If you purposefully want to include more colour variations, use the long option. This only applies to hsl, hcl and cubehelix colour spaces.

Colour.scale(10, {space: `hcl`, long: true}, `red`, `blue`);


If you need to parse a colour string into its components:

// repl-pad
import { Colour } from ""

// Returns { h: 10.47, s: 1, l: 0.875 }

// Returns { r: 255, g: 192, b: 203 }


// repl-pad
import { Colour } from ""

// Returns a colour string for blue at 50% opacity
// `rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)`
const halfBlue = Colour.opacity(`blue`, 0.5);

// If a colour already has opacity, it is multiplied
// `rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.25)`
const quarterBlue = Colour.opacity(halfBlue, 0.5);


Most of the functionality of the colour module is via Mike Bostock's d3-color and d3-interpolate.